Anne Arundel County Drug Treatment Court
The mission of the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County Adult Drug Treatment Court is to improve our community through enhanced public safety by providing judicially supervised treatment to substance abusing offenders, thereby reducing the social and economic cost of criminal activity.
- To help you achieve sobriety and become more productive members of society.
- To reduce criminal behavior.
- To provide and alternative to incarceration thereby reducing costs to the community.
- To offer you opportunities for positive community involvement.
Drug Court Team
The Circuit Court Adult Drug Treatment Court is a collaborative effort between the Circuit Court, the State’s Attorney’s Office, the Office of the Public Defender, the Division of Parole and Probation, and the Department of Health. Relationships with other community agencies such as the Anne Arundel County Detention Center, Goodwill Industries of the Chesapeake, and the many local treatment providers are considered vital to the success of our program.
The Drug Court Team is comprised of a judge, prosecutor, defense attorney, Parole and Probation representative, treatment representative, assessor, case managers, and a program administrator. This Team is responsible for providing the services and supervision necessary for you to successfully complete this program. The Drug Court Judge is responsible for making final decisions concerning your case.
- Totally abstain from all alcohol and illicit drugs.
- Attend all Drug Court Reviews and be on time.
- Attend all scheduled appointments with Treatment Provider, Clinical Case Manager, Probation Officer, etc. and be on time.
- Comply with the terms and conditions of the Drug Court, Probation and Treatment.
- Follow the Individual Service Plan established.
- Use appropriate behavior and dress appropriately.
- Avoid persons involved in criminal activity.
- Obey all laws.
- The Case Manager and your Treatment Provider must approve prescription and over-the-counter medications.
Individualized Service Plan
The foundation of your participation in Drug Treatment Court is your Individualized Service Plan. Working with your Case Manager, you will develop a comprehensive plan to address the different factors that impact your recovery and success in the program. Your Individualized Service Plan will identify areas of your life such as addictions, mental health, physical health, employment, education, legal and family issues that may need attention. Your Individualized Service Plan will be designed to provide a specific course of action for you to take. Your Case Manager will assist you in finding resources to meet your individual needs.
- The Case Manager will arrange for your appropriate level of treatment and your treatment provider.
- You will be required to attend one to three days per week for outpatient services.
- You will attend treatment for no less than 26 weeks.
- You will be required to attend an aftercare program.
- You must attend all scheduled groups and you must be on time.
- Frequent and random alcohol and drug testing will be done.
- You may be required to pay costs associated with your treatment.
- You must be employed and/or attend school.
- If you are not employed you must be actively seeking employment and/or be enrolled in an approved educational program.
- You may be required to do community service if you remain unemployed
- Your Case Manager will provide assistance and resources regarding employment.
- You must attend all scheduled appointments and you must be on time.
- You will have contact with your Case Manager at least one time per week and less often as you make progress.
- You will meet with your treatment provider one to three times per week.
- If you cannot keep your scheduled appointment you must contact your Case Manager and Treatment Provider in advance. If you fail to do so, you must arrange to be drug tested by a team member within 24 hours or you will be presumed to be “dirty”.
Drug Court Reviews
- You will be required to attend Drug Court Reviews once every two weeks.
- As you continue in the program and show progress, you will attend the reviews once every four weeks and then once every six weeks.
- The Drug Court Team reserves the right to change attendance requirements depending upon your progress.
Drug & Alcohol Testing
- You will be required to submit to random monitored drug testing. Testing may include urinalysis, oral swabs, skin patches, breathalyzers or hair analysis.
- When you are called for a random urinalysis you must report within 24 hours.
- If you refuse any urinalysis it will be considered a positive drug test.
- If you tamper with the drug test it will be considered a positive test and may result in termination from the program.
Phase I – Foundation
This Phase shall be a minimum of 45 days. An initial meeting with a Drug Court Representative will provide you with an orientation and overview of the Drug Court Program. You will be assigned a Case Manager who will monitor your participation. Your problems and needs will be assessed and an Individualized Service Plan will be developed. As you show personal motivation, involvement and compliance with treatment, you will advance to the next phase.
During Phase I you will:
- Complete orientation and overview of Drug Court
- Complete an Individualized Service Plan Assessment
- Participate in home visits with your Case Manger and your Probation Officer
- Participate in home visits with your Case Manger and your Probation Officer
- Form personal program goals in conjunction with treatment plan
- Engage in Treatment
- Abstain from all alcohol and illicit drugs
- Submit to Alcohol and Drug testing as requested
- Attend all court reviews and scheduled appointments
- Maintain contact with case manager
Criteria for advancement to Phase II
- Have negative drug tests for 30 days
- Consistent attendance and no unexcused absences from scheduled services for three consecutive weeks
- Be employed or actively pursuing employment or approved educational goals
Phase II – Engagement
The duration of this Phase will be determined by your progress in accomplishing the goals and objectives in your Individualized Service Plan. Your treatment plan will be followed and updated by you, your treatment provider, and your Case Manager on a regular basis. The counseling in this phase will focus on getting the tools to live a drug and alcohol-free life. You and the Drug Court Team will begin to actively address issues related to personal and family needs and develop strategies to meet those needs.
During Phase II you will:
- Follow and update your treatment plan
- Maintain regular contact with your Case Manager
- Keep all appointments related to Drug Court
- Attend Drug Court on a bi-weekly basis
- Submit to Alcohol and Drug testing as requested
- Maintain employment or be engaged in an approved educational program
- Participants not actively seeking employment or education may be required to do community service work
Criteria for advancement to Phase III
- Criteria for advancement to Phase III
- No positive drug or alcohol test results in the last 60 days
- Employed and/or engaged in an approved educational program for past 30 days
- Consistent attendance and no unexcused absences from scheduled services for 30 days
- Compliance with Individualized Service Plan
- Must have a home group, sponsor, or other recovery network
Phase III – Maintenance
In Phase III your plan will be updated to reflect your progress, new treatment goals, and objectives for this phase. Counseling and meetings will focus on relapse prevention issues and will help you to identify ways to cope with stressful situations. You are encouraged to involve your family members in the recovery process.
During Phase III you will:
- Update treatment plan
- Be in compliance with treatment goals
- Remain alcohol and drug free
- Submit to Alcohol and Drug testing as requested
- Keep all scheduled appointments and reviews
- Regular contact with Case Manager
- Maintain employment or an approved educational program
- Develop an aftercare plan
Criteria for advancement to Phase IV
- No positive drug or alcohol test results within the last 90 days of Phase III
- Employed and/or meeting educational goals for 30 consecutive days
- Consistent attendance and no unexcused absences from scheduled services for 60 days
- Be engaged in a recovery network
Phase IV – After Care
The main focus of this phase will be relapse prevention. You will remain abstinent from all drugs and alcohol. You will practice coping skills necessary in daily living. You are encouraged to maintain an independent life style and to continue the recovery process. The Drug Court Team will support you in the continued success as a productive member of society.
During the Aftercare Phase you will:
- Update and complete your treatment plan
- Have individual sessions with your Clinical Case Manager on an as needed basis
- Submit to random drug and alcohol testing
- Have continued involvement in substance abuse treatment such as aftercare, 12 step support group, etc.
- Focus on full-time employment and/or educational goals
- Submit to a home visit by Parole and Probation
- Attend monthly court appearances
Criteria for graduation
- Continued abstinence from drugs and Alcohol and a minimum of 90 consecutive days clean
- Employment
- Active involvement in a support group
- Complete exit interview
Once you have successfully completed the criteria for each phase of the program you will be eligible for graduation.
Requirements for graduation:
- Compliance with all phase expectations
- An expression in writing to the Drug Court Team your experience with the program, plans for staying clean, and your future goals
- Attend exit interview and complete drug court survey with case manager
- Approval of the Judge
The Drug Court Program is designed to last 12-18 months, but realize it is your behavior that will determine the actual duration.
If you do not comply with the Adult Drug Treatment Court program rules, you will be discharged from the program as unsuccessful. After the Drug Court Team makes this decision, your Violation of Probation (VOP) charge will be reinstated.
Remember that your actions and your choices will determine your outcome. You fail only when you quit trying.
Incentives are rewards for making positive steps toward attaining a drug free, crime free lifestyle. The most powerful incentive is to have the case closed satisfactorily. You may receive incentives for achieving certain goals such as obtaining employment, educational attainment, paying child support, and rebuilding relationships with your family.
Incentives for compliance with program requirements include but are not limited to the following:
- Modifying treatment requirements
- Praise from the Judge
- Advancement to next treatment phase
- Reduced supervision
- Decreased frequency of court appearances
- Waived supervision fee and court costs
- Opportunity to avoid violation of probation proceedings and jail
- Awards, gift cards, free parking, first position on docket, early court dismissal
Abstinence, attendance, and no criminal activity are critical to your success in the program; therefore, there are consequences for continuing substance use, nonattendance, failure to comply, and misconduct. Sanctions will be imposed by the Drug Treatment Court Judge for failure to comply with requirements.
Sanctions for noncompliance with program requirements become more severe as the frequency and severity of inappropriate behavior increase, and include, but are not limited to the following:
- Verbal warning and admonishments from the Judge
- Increased court review hearings
- Increased drug testing
- Writing an essay or apology
- SCRAM monitoring
- Increased level of supervision
- Lengthened time in program
- Court fee
- Community service
- House arrest
- Day reporting to ORDC
- Jail
- Termination from the Drug Court Program
Contact Numbers
- Annapolis Probation, 410-260-1900 or 888-521-2062
- Glen Burnie Probation, 410-412-7050
- Department of Health Treatment Referral Line, 410-222-0117
- Goodwill Industries of the Chesapeake, 410-268-0454
- Crisis Response System—Warm Line, 410-768-5522
- First Call for Help, 800-492-0618
- YWCA Domestic Violence Hotline, 410-222-6800
- Alcoholics Anonymous, Red House, 410-268-5441
- Narcotics Anonymous, 1-800-317-3222
The information and content from this page is from Drug Treatment Court (